
Needing Loving

Richard Pryor: Black & White Women
From: Bicentennial Nigger: ...And It's Deep Too! - The Complete Warner Bros. Recordings (1968-1992) (Warner Archives/Rhino)

Below find excerpts from an article entitled: Michelle Obama Comes Under Attack? by Pearl JR.
Many of us are noticing that there is really and truly an attack on the value, worth, and importance of Black women in the lives of prominent men. It has gotten so bold that Angelina Jolie is playing a Black woman, 70 percent of Black women are living without spouses, the vast majority of our children are growing up in a single mother household, sixty percent of Black men who earn over $100,000 annually are married to non-Black women, and now a group of White people have created, produced, and distributed a music video that insults Presidential hopeful's Black wife, Michelle Obama; who is now the newest Black women to come under attack to soon be unmated.
Yesterday, while watching Fox News, there was a story about a group of college White students who are posing as Barack Obama supporters that produced a music video called "I Got a Crush on Obama" featuring a sexy White chick lip singing because she was recruited from Craigslist to act in a music video.
Apparently, the Jewish looking female vocalist just wasn't sexy enough to persuade a response from the public or to get Barack Obama's attention they had to use a dummy to pull off this mind-twisting insult.
This video hails Mr. Obama as some type of sex symbol Mandingo that is swooning White women and White people with his sexiness and not his intellect nor his integrity. Forget that Mr. Obama is running for the most powerful job in the world, the Presidency of the United States of America, and put aside that he has a Law Degree from Harvard University and was the only Black President of the prestigious Harvard Law Review, plus voted in as the ONLY Black Senator in the United States Senate among many other notable accomplishments has now been reduced down to being the object of White women's sexual desire.
The scantily dressed White woman with the name of "Obama" on her butt must be to let Barack-ster recognize that she and the producers are aware that Black men like asses, or just in case, he's a tits man, her blouse is tight, especially around the breast area. Furthermore, there is zero mention of Michelle Obama nor his two Black daughters as if they don't even exists, or soon won't, because he is now on White women's radar.
Lastly, check out this comment that I received from YouTube, "if Obama is a true black man he would dump his colored girl wife and shack up with a blonde lady."

*This write-up reads like book and website advertisement and victim role-play via stat cooking: 70%?!
*R.I.P. Richard Pryor the original comedy king courtesy Paul Mooney co-writting
ill be damned if that nigger becomes president
that space is reserved for WHITES ONLY


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