The curative force in psychotherapy - man's tendency to actualize himself, to become his express and activate all the capacities of the organism. ~Carl Rogers
Follow @yasboogie
Carl Rogers,
Toothpaste for Dinner
Darcus Howe & David Lammy #Londonriots
Follow @yasboogie
Howe organized the 20,000 strong Black People's March in 1981 claiming official neglect and inefficient policing of the investigation of the New Cross fire in which 13 black teenagers died.
Darcus Howe,
David Lammy,
Steve Inskeep,
0hbliv - "RawOasis" Beat Tape
Follow @yasboogie
0hbliv released the refreshing instrumental "RawOasis" on Jul. 22, 2011; yet, it wasn't until yesterday that I was fortunate enough to enjoy the euphony of this project.
According to 0hbliv RO is:
A few previously released Soundcloud favorites plus one.
0hbliv's songs are unassuming. Each is long enough to inspire another listen both now and later.
RO will steal your soundwaves, unperceived.

VIDEO: Afro Sheen Ad 6
Follow @yasboogieMATHEMATICS
Use Afro Sheen wherein "The Hawk" = inclement weather
*2wo weeks ago, I noticed retailers are already stocking fall and winter clothes
*2wo weeks ago, I noticed retailers are already stocking fall and winter clothes

Afro Sheen,
George E. Johnson Sr.,
The Hawk
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