
"Chicks, Chumps, He Uses 'Em All"


The character "Willie Dynamite", a pimp and coke dealer, was played by Roscoe Orman. RO was is better known for his role as 'Gordon' (Gordon Robinson) of Sesame Street from 1974-2006.
RO was born
11 June 1944, Bronx, New York, USA.
On August 8, 2002, RO was first thought to have been deceased by fans. News had spread that an actor who played 'Gordon', on "Sesame Street", had passed away. This news led many to first think it was Orman, but in fact was talented writer and actor, Matt Robinson, (who was the first 'Gordon' in the early 70s), that had died.
RO is committed to various projects for a family/children production company, "The Entertainment Business".

I characterized RO not to sell you on my favorite movie of all times. Instead blaxploitation neophytes (where applicable) I am free-associating RO's character "
Willie Dynamite" to segue into mendacious relationships:

The accused,
Rickey Lackey, 25-year-old, facing charges of attempted theft last Friday. In an unrelated question, Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Melba Marsh asked how many children RL has Lackey replied, "None, but I have six on the way". Seeking clarity Marsh asked Lackey if he meant he was marrying a women with six kids Lackey returned, "No, I be concubining."

In a craiglist, women seeking men, personal the following was listed:

Looking For A Stupid Man

Reply to: pers-285817089@craigslist.org
Date: 2007-02-27, 9:53PM EST

"Just send your stupid photo, and say a few stupid words you idiot."

* Willie Dynamite (1974) taglines ("Rape you?! I'd rather rape a watermelon..." is not featured as one of the taglines on IMDB)
*Far left:
Roscoe Orman, left center: Roscoe Orman, Telly, Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee and Elmo, right center; Roscoe Orman, Maurice Woods, Peter Francis, Morgan Freeman, Peter Jay Fernandez, Count Stovall and Robert Christian and far right: Roscoe Orman, Denzel Washington and Oscar the Grouch


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