


I post threads of variant interest on the playahata hataboard. Yet the lion's-share are dedicated to the sciences. Below list an e-archive for current post.
NYTimes e-articles are only available for a week, thereafter they are only available online for purchase. Where applicable, I have threaded the e-articles to immortalize them without cost:

Study Uncovers Memory Aid: A Scent During Sleep
No Sleep Means No New Brain Cells
Moths Elude Spiders by Mimicking Them, Study Says
Why Is The Alphabet In Alphabetical Order?
Readers' Q & A With Wikipedia Founder
It Seems the Fertility Clock Ticks for Men, Too
'Doomsday' Vault Design Unveiled
Diabetes Repair 'Occurs In Womb'
Can Humanity Survive? Want To Bet On It?
World Scientists Near Consensus On Warming
*Boss Hog
How About A Bot For A Boss?
'Anti-Aids Gel' Trial Is Stopped
Flying Dinos Had Bi-plane Design
South Africa: Call For Deadly TB Isolation Move
Alzheimer's Vaccine 'In A Patch'
Strict Vegan Ethics, Frosted With Hedonism
Do You Believe In Magic?
The Voices in My Head Say ‘Buy It!’ Why Argue?
Cheap, Safe Drug Kills Most Cancers
The Only Unexpected Abnormal Sound
Japan Marine Park Captures Rare Shark On Film
The Warming of Greenland
'Altruistic' Brain Region Found
Defence Cell Genetics Unscrambled
Teenage Pregnancy Myth Dismissed
Skull Is First Fossil Proof of Human Migration Theory, Study
"Weirdest" Animals to Get Conservation Attention
Seaweed Anti-Obesity Tablet Hope
Magic Mirrors: Social Retailing™
Longevity Gene Keeps Mind Sharp
Body's Own 'Cannabis' Helps Pain
Repeat After Us: I Will Stop Eating Candy in 2007
The DNA So Dangerous It Does Not Exist
Robot Mother Helps South Koreans Prepare For Birth
You Are What You Eat: 2006 and the Politics of Food

*Heavily recommended reading


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