
Scratchily Warm

Adult Swim, the nation's leading purveyors of Strattera - supressing animated comedy programs, has dipped a toe or two into the indie talent pool of late, what with the Danger Doom project, indie-heavy Aqua Teen Hunger Force flick soundtrack, and partnerships with the likes of Stones Throw and Chocolate Industries.
Adult Swim is offering Warm & Scratchy, a downloadable album of new and/or exclusive and/or rare and, best of all, FREE tracks from some of indie's biggest artists. The Rapture, TV on the Radio, Les Fav Fav, Liars, Broken Social Scene, Jesu, Fennesz, and the Good, the Bad, and the Queen all contribute.
Could this generosity be a ploy to stir up promotion for a new show teeming with geometrically-shaped characters, odd voices, and non sequiturs? If so, note to Adult Swim: the "____ & Scratchy" name is, in a meta sort of way, already taken.

Warm & Scratchy:

01 TV on the Radio - Me-I
02 The Raveonettes - Dead Sound
03 Les Savy Fav - The Equestrian
04 The Rapture - Crimson Red
05 120 Days - Justine
06 Broken Social Scene - Canada Vs. America
07 SOUND Team - Color of the Love You Have
08 The Good, The Bad and The Queen - The Bunting Song (acoustic)
09 The Brother Kite - Half Century
10 Jesu - Silver (original beats)
11 Amusement Parks on Fire - Back to Flash
12 Asobi Seksu - Stay Awake
13 Fennesz - Winter
14 Liars - Sunset Rodeo


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