
Jameson Infused Mash Potatoes

I am of epicurean culturing. Yet on this said night, featured on the latter "Call Downstairs" YouTube, which only portends the weekend which in its entirety hosted the 30th birthday anniversary of one of my best friends, hereafter he will be referenced as “Air Rift”, (yes, the Nike sneaker as he once described an ill-fitted pair of Pumas (shout-out to my man "Tongue" (also a nickname (of lazy sorts)) - the emandation zeitgeist as he refreshed my exactitude of this memory) as having an invagination. I have since free-associated said acerbic audit with Air Rifts which do bear an invagination; accordingly, you have to love the scientific mind) involved gourmandizing The Diner’s pabulum of mash potatoes, fries, burgers, pancakes, feta and provolone cheese omelets, gruyère cheese grits and thrown drinking straws. Such ingestion followed an entire bottle of Jamesons whiskey, courtesy of The Science Club and on-the-house as the adage so charmingly goes, which was solely shared amongst a subgroup of three or four of a larger group nearing ten in the restroom of Busboy and Poets. Such wolfing followed more drinks (see: liquor) at Republic Gardens which like the Science Club was carte blanch via DJ H. Hotter, who in a Jameson saturated drawl professed his being euphemistically, “the man” (not to be confused with epithetical, “the man” per the civil rights movement) as he counted without falter the cost for our group within nanoseconds as we peregrinated indoors cost free (thank you my brother!; go Howard University math department as who knew that we could be pedantic even when “saucy” (drunk)?). Such devouring followed my threatening to, “jump over the counter and slap the fire outta …” after explaining to a worker at Julia’s Empanadas that potentially he had five customers who were ready to spend money yet he acknowledge no interest in out entry, what a warped exposition of Black-on-Black Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man. I thusly and deftly walked out refusing to spend money at said eatery though my compadres made purchases only to complain that his disservice included other oversights and inconsiderations.

As I am know to do here at Fulsome, I have provided theme music for this video which does not include me as I was outside waiting for confirmation that they had a place to sleep other than my floor.

...Many more Air Rift... Image        Hosted by ImageShack.us


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