“I don’t rap for me. I rap for the common man, on some real shit .”
Killer Mike
The follwing features excerpts from XXL's, June 2008, Vol. 12, No. 5, Rising Down article by Branden J. Peters:
Michael “Killer Mike” Rener, the self-proclaimed “Outcast of Outkast” is upset as a man not as a hater. The following excerpts should expound on his perturbation:
“I used to look at rap like it was real,” he says. “And I believed the people who were talking. But them days is gone. Now, I just look at a bunch of lying-ass-ni**as” And sometime they say good shit, but most of the time they say bullshit.
“I’m not into swagger. In fact, swagger’s a bit effeminate for me,” he says. “Before I was a rapper, before I was a drug dealer, before I was a drug dealer, before I was a student at Morehouse College, before I was any of those things, I was a man. And my whole life goal has been to be a man, like the men I admire. And that’s what’s wrong with rap right now―you don’t have any men. You don’t have anybody willing to be responsible. You don’t have anybody willing to give their audience real game.”