The Small Faces: Ogden's Nut Gone Flake
Ogden's Nut Gone Flake (Immediate, 1968)
Below find excerpts from Slate's: And why we're so obsessed the Führer's sex life by Ron Rosenbaum, posted Friday, Nov. 28, 2008, at 7:07 AM ET:
Somebody make it stop. This incessant fixation on Hitler's sexuality, on his alleged perversity. I think it's fair to say that the very apex of cultural stupidity in our era is the compulsive conjunction of Hitler and sex. He was a "predatory" homosexual. He engaged in excretory practices with his underage half-niece. And, one of the most enduring, a myth I thought I had refuted once and for all but that now rears its head again: Hitler had only one testicle.
Isn't it obvious by now what this is about? Our need to prove that Hitler was not "normal," thus not like us, normal human nature thereby exculpated from producing a Hitler. It fills a need to reassure ourselves there is no Hitler potential in human potential. We're off the hook.
But despite the obviousness of it, it just doesn't stop.
Mein Nuts l Everything You Need To Know About Hitler's "Missing" Testicle
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The Small Faces
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