Chan-Wook Park is usually very good with framing the ironic. In Thirst (Bakjwi) however I did not sense the main character's epoch plagues: pain/embarrassment/powerlessness/hatred/distaste/dissatisfaction/suffering. Further, I did not read Park's juxtaposing of Catholicism and the 'undead' as poignant (he is generally very good at these depictions). I am accustomed to Park's films dragging a bit as an effect of the aforementioned as Park generally will take the time to well dress (develop) all of the main character agonies/haunting (torture) yet Thirst drags w/out delving into any of these parameters with zest. Yet the movie is extremely memorable and disturbing yet I am left with, my sense of disturb via Thirst, is not as defined as my past Park experiences and for that I am disappointed.